The healthcare industry needs collaborative leaders to solve today’s health challenges.

The Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership was started with this mission in mind. We strive to see a world in which health leaders, in their quest to strengthen the health of communities, incorporate the Hanley Center’s values of collaboration, courage, inclusion, innovation, hard work and kindness. Our vision of success looks like strong, skilled, thoughtful, and collaborative leaders, partnering to transform health and healthcare in Maine and beyond.

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Leadership Courses

To be the change you want to see in healthcare, you must first develop and fine-tune the leadership and management skills necessary to positively impact the teams and organizations you lead. The incessant rapid-fire pace of change in healthcare will not slow down. And, that’s just fine! Change leads to innovation and innovation leads to progress. Equip yourself with the knowledge, perspective, tools and network you need to succeed through a Hanley Center leadership course.

Learn more about our leadership courses

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The Nursing Leadership Institute

The Nursing Leadership Institute is a unique course that imparts the practical skills from the American Organization for Nursing Leadership nurse manager competencies. This curriculum is designed to build and strengthen skills, resources, community, and confidence for nurses from all walks of our fluid healthcare landscape. Diverse voices come together to explore challenging questions, share stories of successes and roadblocks, and grow professional support networks.

Learn More About The Nursing Leadership Institute

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Women in Health Leadership Seminar Series

In this seminar series, we focus on women healthcare leaders and their unique capacities and skills to lead in this dynamic industry. With a curriculum designed to build and strengthen skills, resources, community and confidence, we create a space of learning, networking, and support for women in healthcare.

Learn More About Our Women in Health Leadership Seminar Series

Undergraduate Healthcare Leadership Internship Program (UHLI)

Maine needs to assure a steady flow of healthcare professionals into our healthcare workforce of the future. So many of our youth leave Maine for college and professional health programs and never return. This program demonstrates the broad array of exciting healthcare career opportunities in Maine to a cohort of undergraduate students so that they might return once they complete their training. The Hanley Center has built a partnership with Maine colleges and universities and many of our alumni to provide paid summer internships to a growing number of Maine students each summer.

Learn more about our internship program

Our Impact in Healthcare in Maine and Beyond

No matter what health and healthcare professionals need, we are here to help. Along with our courses, we offer: Executive coaching, strategic planning, team building, customized retreats and trainings.

So, whether it’s new tools or knowledge, a helpful shift in approach to problem-solving, greater self-awareness in leading and communicating, a firmer grasp of financial strategy and policy, deeper relationships or a broader network, the Hanley Center’s impact across healthcare in Maine and beyond is vast.

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